This is the first in a series of posts that will look at the performance and #a11y metrics of the websites for the currently declared 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. Yeah, all of them! For more background on what I’m doing and how I’m doing it check out this post.

Google Lighthouse

Performance: 91 out of 100
That’s really good for a site like this. The biggest knock against it performance wise is the 4.1 seconds time to interactive. This is a measure of how long it takes for a site to load and a user able to interact with it, for example clicking on a button to donate. Faster is better.
Accessibility: 96 out of 100
- Default browser focus outlines appear for all buttons and links. There is a missed opportunity to to style them to coordinate with the hover states.
- The image carousel is keyboard accessible.
- The popup modal to join the campaign appears to be inaccessible and can’t be filled out without a mouse. However it does close with the ESC key.
- Form fields are missing labels.
- No contrast issues with any of text were found!
Best Practices: 86 out of 100
In most cases the images on the page are jpgs and could be converted to more optimized formats such as webp.
SEO: 100 out of 100
Funny that this site scores a 100/100 but up until a few weeks ago was appearing at the top of search results and the .com was nowhere to be found.
- HTTPS: yes
- 58 Requests
- 3.9 MB resources
- Largest asset is an image contained in a carousel, a 214 KB jpg
- WordPress, BEXC theme. I can’t find if this is an off the shelf theme or a custom one with an inexplicable name.
All in all a very well-performing site, if a bit generic.