…like oil and vinegar, except not as delicious on salads – Paris Day 6

Still looking for a coat so all I do today is window shop. Find this store called Muji. I had been given slippers sometime ago from there. It’s like the Japanese IKEA, but smaller, like, um, the Japanese (I kid, I kid).

I walk and walk. Stop for lunch at my favorite Bagel sandwich place. They grill the bagels, they’re great. My only complaint is that whatever condiment your sandwich comes with (mayo, or cream cheese, etc.) usually ends up dripping through the holes, creating quite the mess.

Walked from here to here although not that path. Google maps doesn’t give the best directions. And don’t let it fool you, that doesn’t fell like 3.4 km.

Locals hang out around Sacre Coeur probably not so much for the view but for the gullible tourists it brings. Wanting a conversation I actually stop and respond. You might think 10 € is a lot for a braided thread wish bracelet gulugulu thing, but most people have to pay 20. So he says. Me, I get the special price because I’m “family,” being from Canada and all eh? ;)

Montmarte is pretty lame during the day but you get a clear look at all the sinful places to go at night. I make the mistake of walking past them all and being accosted by the purveyors at each and every one. iPod and “Non non non” get me through. Then I realized there was a better pedestrian thoroughfare that divided the boulevard.

Walking back (why?!) I followed some sort of demonstration march. Near as I could tell from the literature they handed me, which I did not take the time to translate, they were “Educators for a fair and ethical Don Quixote.” Yep

Strangers and I don’t mix very well… – Paris Day 5

Tackling the big one today, the Louvre. It’s an easy walk from the hotel (2 main roads), but yet again I go in the wrong direction. Metro to the rescue.
After hitting the best of the sculpture I concentrate on the 14th-17th century painting. I’ve taken quite a few years of Art History so was looking forward to seeing many works I learned about. The thing that struck me was just how large some of these were. You can learn all about the symbolism and artist behind a work, but a slide never prepares you for this.
The Mona Lisa was there, you may have heard of it. The devotion given to this in particular is confusing. I prefer Da Vinci’s St. John the Baptist

Many hours later I left for the tranquility of fine department stores. Been looking for a nice coat. Every other guy on the street is wearing something good and I just want to stop them and ask where they got it. But seeing as I can’t even properly order a meal, that’s not a good idea. I found 1 I liked, but 770 € was a little out of range. I also thought about buying a cat.

Argh, what part of “Do not disturb” do you not understand? – Paris Day 4

I guess I’m not supposed to sleep in. A little late in the day for the Louvre so I change my plans to the Orsay. It’s a manageable walk but then I end up over here. I decide it’s best to take a subway back to where I want to be. I pay for my ticket then realizing it’s Sunday and the train is free.

Musée d’Orsay is great. I think I preffered the sculpture to the paintings though.

Wandered around outside the Louvre then back to the hotel to relax. I should have bought a phrase book.

soldes soldes soldes – Paris Day 3

Even the strip club and porn stores are having soldes. (so say the signs outside)

Vincent took the train in. It’s great to see a familiar face and much easier getting around with someone who speaks French. The day went something like this:

Stop at The Bagel Corner to duck a heavy rain. Names in English I can actually handle. The hard part out of the way I also get un maxi cafe au lait.

Deux Guiness at Le Carpe Diem Cafe. Good music playing.

Meet a couple of Vincent’s friends at L’eau Peine Bar. Very chill.

We got food, uh, somewhere. The light in the bathroom turned off on me halfway through. Not sure what that was about.

Sightsee up Champs-Elysées to Arc De Triomphe. Unsure of how to get over to it as the largest roundabout ever stands in our way we make a dash across 12? lanes of traffic when the coast clears. Vincent gets what I believe to be a stern talking to from the Police. I play the stupid silent American.

Over to the Eiffel Tower of course.

Finish off the night at the Pop In, what I will refer to as Paris’ version of the Dance Cave. Great music. Super crowded. Change is somehow tossed my way and lands in our pitcher. I later use 2 of those euros to pay for the metro tickets back to the hotel.