Thoughts on Accessibility (a11y)

I’ve been thinking a lot on the subject of accessibility in my work lately. I’ve always had an awareness of some of the best practices to follow in my side projects, but rarely was it given priority by my employers. Today I find I have a real chance to make a difference and I’m moving ahead making little improvements to this huge unnamed travel dot com I work for. It’s not sexy. It might not easily translate to $X in more revenue. It’s just the right thing to do, and as a developer it’s my responsibility to leave this technology better than I found it.

Great article when it was written and always good to revisit and pass on to managers, UX, and other stakeholders:
Reframing Accessibility for the Web

Timely article published today as I’ve been thinking about the subject a lot lately. The ADA at 25. Could easily take every use of the word “building” in that article and replace with “website” and you’d have a good idea of why and how we should be thinking of building the web for all.

CSS for Designers

Designing with CSS in MInd

Following up on last year’s presentation to developers on the benefits and capabilities of CSS3 in our work I was asked to provide similar info to one of the company’s creative teams. Participants included art directors and copywriters and although this team in particular did more interactive work than some of the others in the company they were still pretty unsure of how we developers produce our work (magic!).

The goals of this slide deck were to help everyone understand some of the technical aspects of CSS design, as well as offer some tools that could help them experiment with code on their own, become more efficient in certain processes, and take their learning further.

Hopefully others will find this useful in some capacity. If you do use it for training others, learn something new or have a suggestion I’d love to hear it, so please leave a comment.

Designing with CSS in Mind